Friday, January 6, 2012

The Big Adventure

As I write this I'm sitting in the airport waiting to board my first of several planes! For somewhere near a decade now, we(as a church) have known and supported Philip Cameron's ministry - now known as Stella's Voice - in Moldova. (
Thru seen stories and videos we have seen the wonderful work they do.
In short, Moldova ranks very high on the charts for human trafficking. With a population of about 4 million, 25,000 are estimated to have been trafficked. 40% of those are minors. Moldova is the poorest country in Europe with most of its children in orphanages. Young girls and boys are released from orphanages at the age of 16 with no real training. They are often given 'job opportunities' abroad only to then be sold into sex trafficking.

Thru the Philip Cameron's ministry, they have built homes there in Moldova to provide housing and education to girls, and boys, who would otherwise become victim trafficking.

So today I will board a plane to travel to Moldova to produce a video for their ministry. With the help of God and a beautiful Canon EOS 5D Mark II, it will be our business' first overseas adventure.

When we started our business months ago, the anticipation was weddings, parties & the like. God's ways and His thoughts are so much higher than ours.

This is my 4th trip out of the country, only my 2nd without my Sissy. She was unable to make the trip. Something about a big game Monday night. Incidentally, the folks I'm meeting there are Alabama people. TIGER BAIT! Ha. It will be an interesting journey being away from my hubby too(I definitely cried this morning. Pitiful.) But I am so excited about this opportunity and I plan to blog the entire time and add many pictures! It's time to board. Until next time! :-)

Here's their last video. I will be producing something similar.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am so excited for you! This is going to be amazing. :) I understand the missing your hubby part! But the reunion will be sweet. HA! (Okay, you & i clearly have issues!)

    MUCH LOVE! Praying for you!

