Thursday, February 9, 2012

WE'RE EXPECTING!! It feels so good to finally say that and to be able to blog freely! =-)

Today I finally decided on color schemes for the baby's room. No, we don't know what it is quite yet, but it's ok...Mommy already has plans for both. =-) I posted the color palettes on my 'Mommy Page'. How exciting.  This has already been such a crazy ride.  I had no idea the changes that come so quickly. 
Since this blog is open to the world wide web, I'll keep it family-friendly. Things change. lol.
I'm now officially in the second trimester and I haven't even started taking the cute week-by-week photos yet.  Slacker.  I'm blessed to have avoided a lot of the morning sickness.  Extreme fatigue has been my biggest enemy.  By week 6 I was begging the husband to let me hire a maid.  I couldn't stay awake long enough to sweep the dirt into the dustpan.  It got better for a bit then after Moldova it was like starting at square one. The lack of morning sickness has led to many people telling me its a boy.  Then I've had others to say it only means that its a girl since we're already sharing the same hormones.  We won't find out the sex of the baby until March 31st at our Gender Reveal party.  I'm looking forward to that.  We're going to have a small family shindig and find out if the baby room will be pink or 'carolina' blue.  Maybe we'll find out it will be both.  My grandmother and I are still holding out hopes for twins.  LOL. It runs in the family and for a good 3 weeks there, I was convinced there was more than one sweet KellyBaby.  The ultrasound showed only one.  According to BertaMae, "That doesn't mean it's not there.  They've been known to hide!".  *FINGERS CROSSED*  =-)
Who ever is in there, I just pray they are healthy, happy and as ready to meet Mommy & Daddy as we are to meet them!
