Sunday, November 20, 2011

White Gold Wreath

Here's the latest wreath! It's more beautiful in person!
You can see them all on my etsy page:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breakfast In Bed

So before I went to bed last night, I did as I usually do, prepare my 'Meg-Do-List' before hitting the sack! This is a priority in my life these days since my memory is constantly taking sick days. Head to the salon, swing in the $store, next would be a trip to WalMart with the goal of making it back home by 10:30am so I can clean, cook and start editing.
I woke up to, "Good Morning Honey! I made breakfast for you." My husband had different plans. His plans were to make breakfast for his wife and lay in bed for cuddle time and an ESPN documentary on a track star. After the 2hr documentary wrapped up, I realized it was 10:30am. My do-list was off quite a bit. But it was ok. It turns out, the world didn't end, my day wasn't destroyed and my do-list was actually still a realistic possibility.

My sweet husband wanted to surprise me & that's a special moment and special time that can't ever be replaced or re-lived. It's those moments that make life worth living!

If there is one thing I learned from working in news it's that absolutely ANYTHING can happen!

I often remind myself when I'm annoyed w/ dear hubby, there are so many widows out there who wish they had the opportunity be annoyed. Victims or horrible circumstances who never would have dreamed they'd be in the situation they are in.
I'm reminded constantly of the blessing it is to have my do-list messed up.

The challenge I give myself, and you as well, is to always be thankful for what you have. Take time to see the blessing in every situation.


Friday, November 18, 2011

More Wreaths: Peacock & Mantle Swags

Peacock Wreath - $50
Wreaths are custom made to your satisfaction.
To order, message me or email me at

Red/Silver Christmas Wreath Swag - $35

Friday, November 11, 2011

Holiday Wreaths for Sale!

I'm now selling holiday wreaths!! They can even come with initials! Email me for details:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happily Ever After....

I was talking/texting an old friend, and now a client, the other day.  She had just finished watching the highlight reel from our wedding.  She said, "If I were you, I'd watch that 10x a day."  I thought that was pretty funny, given the fact that I pretty much do! LOL.  It's now been a year, 3 months and 19 days that we've been married and it still feels like yesterday.  I still feel happy and giddy and completely overwhelmed that God has blessed me so much!!!  I pray 10 years from now, I'll be even more giddy! =-)

Videography: Shylight Productions
Editing: Treygan Productions

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It is quite possibly the greatest invention in some time.
Yes, there was the girdle, and the control-top hose, but neither really get the job done quite like 'Spanx'.  If you're 130lbs or near 250lbs,  everyone has that 'problem area' or the extra jiggles and dimples that would be best unseen.  Maybe the greatest appreciation for Spanx should be for the non-jiggle effect that it has in those think cotton summer dresses.
Maybe it's the magical way they make 10lbs seamlessly disappear and the extra confidence it provides in the dressing room.
"'s only a little snug.  Nothing a great pair of spanx can't cure!!"
You know you've done it.  Spanx controls the out-of-control.  The parts of us that we just can't pull together no matter how much we try.
As women,  we have a LOT on our plates.  I don't think I've met a woman yet that isn't juggling any less than 3-5 loads of "vital importance".  The kids need to be dressed, fed and dropped off with lunches in hand.  The house needs to be cleaned, laundry needs to be done, food needs to be cooked before hubby gets home and don't forget to fit a 8hrs of that full-time, demanding job in the mix.  Just when you've gotten that done, you realize you forgot to water the plants,  pick up the dry-cleaning, feed the dog and "Oh snap...what time was I suppose to pick up the kids again?"
I don't have kids.  I don't even have a dog.  But the loads I do carry leave me with the same feelings most all of us feel...overwhelmed, unappreciated at times, and unbalanced.  As I'm writing, I'm staring an obnoxiously large load of laundry that looks like a bad game of JENGA on steroids.  That image is a reflection of least mine at times.  You keep adding more and more, juggling the job, the start-up business, the wife-work and eventually it starts to bubble over like an unfortunate muffin-top.

Thus, bringing me back to my rant on the coolest invention ever.  Spanx.  No, it isn't a real product but I think, as women, we suit up in 'life-spanx' sometimes.  Just a nice pair that cover up the stress dimples that our over-worked life has brought about.  Pull them up nice and high to avoid the jiggle brought on by the guilt of not completing our unrealistic do-lists.

The moral of the story, be YOU!  Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of giving up my SPANX! Ooohhhh NNOOOO!!! The metaphorical ones, I'll consider giving those up.  Here's the deal, we only live once and that life is not perfect or in perfect order.  My biggest 'do' on my 'do-list' is to simply put the do-list away sometimes and just enjoy the simple things in life. By the time I wake up in the morning, I'll need to be reminded of what I wrote! Thank God for blogs, right?

Until next time...


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Manasseh Life

I'm sure that was one of the first questions that popped up in your mind! Manasseh was the son of Joseph - the one from the Bible.

In case you're not familiar with Joseph's's the back-story.
Joseph was one of 12 boys.  He was his father's favorite and his brother's knew that.
Joseph was a dreamer.  One night he shared one of his dreams with his brothers.
In hindsight, I'm sure he would probably add it to his "things never to do again" list.
They hated him for it all the more and they plotted against him.  Long story short; they ripped his favorite coat - the one with many colors, sold him off into slavery, doused the coat in blood and told their father he was dead. 

That's some really crappy stuff from people who are your F-A-M-I-L-Y, right?

Fast forward a decade of two, Joseph grows up and becomes the 'top dog' in the Egypt.  Back at the ranch, his father sends his brothers to Egypt to ask for grain because they were out.  Of all people, who do they have to beg got it...JOSEPH! They didn't recognize him. But Joseph had them pegged from the moment he laid eyes on them.  Here's the coolest part of the story, the Bible says(in Genesis 42)
"9 Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them,"

His first thought wasn't, "Oh no they didn't! Dirty heffers sold me off into slavery, and lied to my fathers, ripped my expensive designer coat...and they want help from me?"

The only thing he remembered was his dream.  The dream he'd shared with them years before was that they would all bow down to him.  The very act of betrayal and wrong doings catapulted him into his dream...his destiny!

He then named his first son, "Manasseh" meaning 'causes me to forget'.

This last month or so has been quite an interesting time for us.  It's been a time of transition.  Trey is moving on to a new job and I just walked away from my job as a producer at WAFB (channel 9).  I could go into a long narrative of unfortunate events, but it's really unnecessary.  We are both in the place that God wants us in right now. 

For a long time we've wanted to get our business(videography) off the ground, especially in the recent months.  We firmly believe that this is a divine opportunity, orchestrated by God ALONE, to launch us into our dreams. 

This blog bears the name 'Manasseh' because our hope and dream is that everyday we are given, our focus will not be on the portal that got us here, but the God-given dreams which we are passionately pursuing.
